

NIL ADMIRARI intervenes in multiple forms according to the place, the context and the selected supports.
Each creation challenges the attention and opens a window to an imaginary land.
By their popular impact, these spectacular settings of the urban landscape leave in the collective memory strong images of humour and poetry...

Architectural diversion
Architectural diversion is a played of forms and volumes of the existing buildings, standard lamps, roofs or phone box, reversing the scales and the symbols.
NIL ADMIRARI transgresses with an original and humouristic way the standards and functions of society to give different meanings.

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Urban Make up
This concept belonging to NIL ADMIRARI gives to any support a human appearance
Adding bright colours, characters emerge from the greyness and they bring life to the sites with a clowny or poetic presence

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Monumental Art
NIL ADMIRARI uses giant hands intruding and conquering any support in order to present them to the population.
These gigantic human elements being inserted in daily places give to the work a fantastic and strange presence.

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Temporary Wall
These original creations invest every building façade as a support for gigantic graphic work.
They animate the cities with flashy coloured combinations of materials proper to NIL ADMIRARI.

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Urban make-up perfectly suits trees as well : it gives out a human appearance to vegetal forms.
Adding bright colours, laughing-eyes characters thus emerge bringing cheerfulness to the parks...

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